Engro Corporation Ltd : Analyst Briefing Takeaways - 1QCY16 - By HMFS Research

  • By: Habib Metropolitan Financial Services Limited

  • - Published: Friday, 29 April 2016
<p></p><ul><li><span style="font-size:small;">The analyst briefing of Engro Corporation Ltd (ENGRO) was held on April 28, 2016 to dis- cuss the company&rsquo;s financial performance. ENGRO reported a PAT of PKR4,406mn (EPS: PKR7.05) in 1QCY16 posting a muted increase of 1.58% Y/Y (EPS: 6.94 in 1QCY15). Earn- ings for the period under review were dragged by shrinking top-line of both the foods and fertilizer business, however a sharp drop in finance costs and a lower effective tax rate helped the bottom-line inch higher compared to last year. The company also announced a generous payout of PKR5.00/share in contrast with PKR2.00/share paid in the same pe- riod last year.</span></li></ul><ul><li><span style="font-size:small;">The company&rsquo;s two major flagship businesses namely Foods and Fertilizer both witnessed shrinking toplin...

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